Two habits that (when combined) produce amazing weightloss

We all know that exercise and a healthy diet are essential for weight loss.  Not all exercise is created equal however.  More importantly, not all foods are created equal - we all know this.  So what is this magical combination that I'm speaking of?

Simply put - the combination of a high quality lean protein with resistance training.  Why is this combo so powerful you ask?

    Increased metabolism.  Protein is needed for muscle growth - without it you just get tired and sore after resistance training.  Your metabolism is directly related to the amount (%) of lean muscle mass that you have on your frame.  More muscle - more calories burned when resting.  Women, you do not have to worry about "bulking up" - unless you start putting away the calories.  There are many guys who struggle with bulking up ... and they have the hormones to do so.
    Increased sensitivity to insulin.  Again, lean protein begets muscle.  Muscle will act as a reservoir for blood sugar.  Thus, you will be less likely to have blood sugar swings with adequate muscle mass.  This means that your appetite is less likely to get out of control ... as long as you eat regularly.
    More calories burned ... even with eating!  This one is similar to the first, but different in that we are not talking about increased metabolism from exercise.  Rather, I am referring to the process of actually burning more calories when you consume protein.  This is because (generally speaking) protein will require more resources to process.  Yes, you actually burn more calories when eating 10 grams of protein vs. 10 grams of fat or carbs.

In conclusion,  be sure to get at least 20 grams of protein with each meal and shoot for resistance training 3x/week.  If you can get this down ... you'll be on the fast track to destined weight loss!

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